Multi Silo Pallet Storage v1.0.1 FS22

Multi Silo Pallet Storage v1.0.1 FS22
Changelog V
fillTypeCategory “BALE” inserted
Round bales can now be stored
Farma 1000 silo extension now with 2.000.000 liters capacity
Multi silo with scale, pallet storage, bale storage and output. Capacity 2.000.000 liters. Price 110.000 €.
Farma 1000 silo extension with 2.000.000 liters capacity. Price 54.000 € (Without pallets).
Pallet warehouse extension with 2.000.000 liters capacity. Price 64.000 € (Only for pallets).
All standard pallets and fruit types from the categories: PRODUCT BULK LIQUID PIECE SPRAYER SPREADER SILAGETRAILER BALE can be stored here.
Script “aPalletSilo”, “SpawnPalletsAtSiloEvent” from Achimobil.
Translation: English, German, French, Italian.
Modell: Giants Script: "aPalletSilo", "SpawnPalletsAtSiloEvent" von Achimobil. Idee / Konzept: MEMDOR
I’ve tried to store honey pallets and doesn’t accepts it
als erstes großen Dank für die super Mod!
Ich hab aber eine Frage dazu: “Wieso werden keine Honigpaletten angenommen?
Es kommt immer die Meldung “Honig wird hier nicht angenommen”
Ich würde es ja selbst versuchen, aber ich kenn mich damit nicht aus 🙁
Danke im Vorraus und mach weiter so!
Some bugs:
It is loosing pallets.
Maybe put a limit on how many pallets it can export. If the pallets are stacked the first row will load itself back into the warehouse.
After export the number of products remain in the game price tab.
It keeps loosing product.
is it possilbe, that the warhouse can accept palltes, but is unable to get the pallets back to the central unit?
Nothing from the PALLET section in the shop is working(herbicide, liquid fertilizer, seeds etc)… For example when i take BIG BAG PALLET seeds from the shop, its working fine…the same when i take herbicide or liquid fertilizer, put it in the tank and dump from there.. Its just the PALLET section in the shop that is not working.. any ideas why?