Multiple Beehive Palletcreator Pack v1.0 FS22

Multiple Beehive Palletcreator Pack v1.0 FS22
This is a package with 3 versch. Pallet generator places which depending upon choice either 4/6 or 12 pallets can produce
The places need a little more space than the original but is much more effective if you are stuck in the field for a long time and can not remove any pallets.
Modell: Ursprünglich Lizard(Giants) umgebaut von hawk Textur: Giants Script: hawk Idee / Konzept: hawk/sevoife/moembriz Tester: hawk/sevoife/moembriz
How do it work?
Really appreciate that you’ve made this mod! Is it possible to make it stack 4 pallets, instead of 2 pr. spawn? And is that something I can perhaps change myself in the files? 🙂