NeverLand Map v1.4 FS22

NeverLand Map v1.4 FS22
Hello everyone I am pleased to introduce you again my NeverLand Map.
Version 1.4
Moddesc – Adjusted
Lighting Effects – Adjusted
Water tower with NeverLand lettering – Installed
Traffic from 150 km/h to 100 km/h – Changed
Honey in Sales – Entered
Street Textures – Changed
Outlets Names – Changed
What is there :
3 forests
Lots of open spaces
Acres of meadows
6 points of sale
Over 50 Purchasable spaces
2 villages
2 gas stations
Lots of deco etc
Star fields large starting fleet for it Empty yard area
What else is coming : Traffic
Known bugs : AI plant all fields with the same fruit ( solution is still being searched )
Wish now a lot of fun with the map
Greetings FarmerTV_Oli5464
Modell: FarmerTV_Oli5464 Textur: FarmerTV_Oli5464 Script: FarmerTV_Oli5464 Idee / Konzept: FarmerTV_Oli5464 Tester: FarmerTV_Oli5464 Sonstige: FarmerTV_Oli5464
The sawmill triggers are not available and not showing on the map?
My favorite map, but it would be much better if I could cut down all trees. Some trees that make seeding and harvesting difficult can not be removed. They have a collision mask but do not respond to any forestry equipment or the chain saw. If all trees could be removed the map would be perfect.
I have so many issues with this map not loading. Starting to really tick me off. I have a huge farm. And even on Multiplayer it still doesn’t load. WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY TOO MANY BUGS