Osina Map v1.0 FS22
Osina Map v1.0 FS22
Welcome to Osina Wielka. The map is located in Poland in the Dolnośląskie Voivodeship.
It offers:
-Two farms (pigs / cows)
-Biogas plant
-56 fields, including 4 meadows
-8 points of sale
-Shop of agricultural machinery
-Various terrain from real life
-Missions in the fields
Happy Holidays, Best regards, BOLEK
Credits:Vertuzek, Nowak, Klakson
Pointless images that show nothing of the map.
PDA picture would be great
dodajcie skup mleka
cos jest nie tak bo przy kolejnym ładowaniu mapy dochodzi do 30%i wywala mi grę
Merci 🙂
nie mam tekstur budynkow pomocy
Half of the scenery only shows in a view, ie buildings have walls or windows missing etc.
cant even sell building ie silage clamps to change to different one.