Pacific NW Farming v1.0.0.2 FS22

Pacific NW Farming v1.0.0.2 FS22
Updated: 31 January 2022 – v1.0.0.2
Pacific NW Farming is loosely based on Yamhill County in Oregon USA. Large fields map with lots of room to do as you please. The entire map is buyable!
v1.0.0.2 (31 January 2022)
Removed random items left under the map, some may have caused collision errors.
v1.0.0.1 (29 January 2022)
Updated Resturant.xml removing “invalid case” warning.
Updated clearview NPC, image should now show under contracts.
GIANTS, Mobbers05, Clearview, GrumpyOldMarine
Merci 🙂
Really enjoy the map & recommended it to several people , but we’ve all had numerous corrupt saves running this map for our community servers. Don’t know if anyone else reported this
If you cut the trees (3) near the starting farm it will corrupt the save games. I dont know how to fix it other then dont touch those 3 trees hahahaha
I like this map, well put together. I would like to see in future updates some of the large fields made slightly smaller. But good map.
Great Map ! I’m running 80 productions .. lots of room for many mods.
I’m done wit this map. This is 3rd time my game was wiped after a restart. It aint worth the time to log in next day to see everything gone.
Is the pacific northwest map also available as a mod for the xbox series x or is it only available for pc