Pallet Autoload Specialization v1.4.2 FS22

Pallet Autoload Specialization v1.4.2 FS22
Base Mod for using Mods with Pallet Autoload Specialization
An example of how to use in your own mod you will find in the Strautmann SEK 802 Pallet Autoload.
Currently only default Euro pallets, liquidTanks, bigbag pallets and Round Bales are possible, more will follow.
How to use:
Drive next to the pallets and then with [R] you can start the loading process.
Make sure you have selected the correct pallet type.
The pallets are then as loaded by hand on the loading area.
Fasten with straps before you drive, otherwise it fell of.
You can choose the unloading side and unload it.
– Error for Cotton Round Bales on Dedi solved
– small changed loading/unloading behavior to work against the wrong display of the Engine in Dedi
– Missing translations added for shop.
– Change bindings to be configurable bindings for minimizing double usage.
– Sapling pallets could now be loaded with the Euro pallet setting.
– New loading type for oversized Europallets like the ones from KsAG or Schaumann (smaller loading capacity).
– Change loading to load everything automatic what is in range with one time pressing [R].
– Pioneer pallet is now loadable with the oversized setting.
– Improved translation for RU
– Translations added for IT and FR
– Fixed lua bug when selling after unloading
– Created my own mod icon
– Translations added for PL
– Predefines buttons for default gamepad
– Changes to Mod Image and Description for the ModHub publish
– Added ES
– Loading and Unloading Areas can be shown now. Default [LCTRL] + [U]
– Loading is only shown in F1 when there is something to load, to not block Truck refill diesel
– Controls are only visible when the Trailer is active to solve problems with mutiple autloaders attached
– Changes for ModHub publish
– Add default round bales 125/150/180. Must be enabled by the modder of the trailer (useBales=”true”)
– Size of liquid tank corrected for better loading
– Round bale loading optimized
– Icons for modder added in mod
– Translation in CZ
– 125cm wood chips bales added
Did you disable fasten belts for the trailers?
as i can’t fasten belts in a vehicle now
somente para mim que esse mod de autocarregamento não funciona?
não aparece as opções para mudar o tipo de pallet e a tecla R não carrega nele
Hey. Not working.
Hey man good work! 🙂
Is there any chance you can try to add “boardsStackPallet” type so we can load pallets with boards/planks from sawmill? 😀
I’ve tried to add this on my own, by creating new object. assign it to a different existing one and a lot of other ways but at the end not been able to do so 🙁 for sure there is something i’m missing. THX and keep a good work! 😉
Please patch this awesome mod for the new release. Not you can auto load/unload, but if you strap your stuff then it breaks. Also strapping items no longer shows what you have stacked
No longer works for MP/Dedi. No version seems to work with Game ver. 1.3 on mp/dedi. Please patch, my team loves your mod,