Polish Corn Dryer Addon v1.0 FS22

Polish Corn Dryer Addon v1.0 FS22
An addon of Polish maize drying is a type of production that adds a new option for earning money.
After the harvest, we can dry the harvested corn and sell it for a higher price than wet corn.
To dry the corn, you need the main dryer building, which has a corn and gas tank.
You need to deliver gas to it and then attach the dryers.
In addition to the main building in the pack, you will find:
– A tank for buying/storing propane
– Trailers to transport the gas (Category: Miscellaneous)
– Buildings allowing the sale of dried corn
Corn drying plant:
– Price: 36,000$
– Daily maintenance: 10$
– Capacity: *32000 L – Maize
5000 L – Propane
Gas tank:
– Price: 6000$
– Daily maintenance: 5$
– Capacity: 5000 L – Propane
Vehicles (Category-Miscellaneous):
– Price: 68000$
– Capacity: 32000 L
– Price: 25000$
– Capacity: 8000 L
– Price: 29500$
– Capacity: 3750 L
Points of sale (Category-Points of sale):
– Farmers’ market
– Fast food restaurant
– Supermarket
JMZ, Vnsfdg2, ShaRRdY