Power Tools v1.0 FS22

Power Tools v1.0 FS22
With the Power Tools you have quick and easy access to some “quality of life” features. Especially useful if you are a modder or do mod reviews.
Using a single key/button (configurable, default F12) you activate the Power Tools menu. From there you can quikly navigate to the different functions without the need for a mouse or navigating through multiple menus.
– Fill vehicle
– Add/remove money to your farm
– Quickly exit current game and go to the main menu (or restart the savegame, see below)
– Toggle “Flight mode” (then use J to activate flight mode and Q/E to ascend/descend in the air)
– Toggle HUD/interface on/off
– Toggle “Super strength” mode
– To reset your money (or set to a specific amount) use ‘=’ as a prefix, e.g. ‘=100’ would set your bank account to 100
– If you choose the “Exit to menu” option when also have started the game with the ‘-restart -autoStartSavegameId 1’ startup flags, the game will automagically restart your savegame
– You also have the console command ‘ee’ to exit the game (to main menu).
Hi, Thank you for the nice mod!
I have one problem:
I had PlayerSuperstrenth installed before, which let me carry only pallets but no machines or anything.
I installed power tools now and still am not able to lift vehicles when I activate the power tools superstrength.
I then deinstalled Playersuperstrenth because I think it overrides the value of what you are able to carry.
But still, with power tools enabled I can only lift pallets and not vehicles.
May there be a value set wrong by the other mods that power tools is now not correcting and still uses the value of the other mod?
Would there be a way to fix this with any edit of a file or something?
I’m having a similar issue. The mod is installed, and I see the UI and can activate/deactivate things…but for some reason nothing works. I can’t add money, I can’t lift vehicles, but flight works. I did have superstrength previously installed as well.
Can this be used in multiplayer? Im playing with a friend and I cant use super strength or add/remove cash but he can?
Salut imi poate spune cineva pe ps 4 cum pot lua modul cu manuta?
I had a similar issue, this mod doesnt work properly because its filled with TODO items. The menu works and the rest is TODO TODO TODO. uninstall it5, junk it dont bother downloading it.
–TODO: replace when TipOnGround works
if isInVehicle == true then
table.insert( actions, 1, actionFillVehicle )
–TODO: hack to reset the “remembered” option (i.e. solve a bug in the game engine)
local dialog = g_gui.guis[“OptionDialog”]
if dialog ~= nil then
dialog.target:setOptions({“”}) — Add fake option to force a “reset”