Production Pack V1.6.0 FS22

Production Pack V1.6.0 FS22
Version 1.6.0
From now on, mineral feed can be produced
Mineral feed is now also required for the mixed ration
FS22 Food All In One:
Price: 110,000 €
Capacity: 10,000,000 L
Maintenance costs: 110 € / day
Production / hour: 10,000 liters
Required raw materials: Grass, straw, silage, mineral feed, barley, sunflower, sugar beet, lime, potatoes , Corn, wheat, rapeseed
Product: Mixed ration, mineral feed, pig feed
Ball trigger for: grass, straw, silage
FS22 Forage All In One:
Price: 110,000 €
Capacity: 6,000,000 L
Maintenance costs: 110 € / day
Production / hour: 6,000 liters
Required raw materials: grass
Product: hay, silage
Ball trigger for: grass, hay, silage
FS22 greenhouseLarge:
Price: € 10,000
Capacity: 40,000 L
Maintenance costs: 100 € / day
Production / hour: 400 liters
Required raw materials: Water, seeds, manure
Product: Tomatoes, lettuce, strawberries
FS22 greenhouseMedium:
Price: € 5,000
Capacity: 20,000 L
Maintenance costs: 50 € / day
Production / hour: 200 liters
Required raw materials: Water, seeds, manure
Product: Tomatoes, lettuce, strawberries
FS22 greenhouseSmall:
Price: € 2,500
Capacity: 10,000 L
Maintenance costs: 25 € / day
Production / hour: 100 liters
Required raw materials: Water, seeds, manure
Product: Tomatoes, lettuce, strawberries
FS22 Lime production:
Price: € 10,000
Capacity: 100,000 L
Maintenance costs: 10 € / day
Production / hour: 2,000 liters
Required raw materials: stones
product: lime
Modell: Giants
Textur: Giants
Script: Giants
Idee / Konzept: Switty
Tester: Switty