Production Pack V1.7 FS22

Production Pack V1.7 FS22
Version 1.7.0
– In compound feed production, hay is entered again instead of grass (spelling mistake) “Empty grass before update, otherwise silo is empty”
– Production output in compound feed production increased from 6,000L to 10,050L
– Silage can now be made from chopped material in the Forage All In One
– Addendum for the production of mineral feed: sunflowers for fats, barley for carbohydrates, a little lime for calcium and sugar beets for sugar
Version 1.7.0
– From now on, mineral feed can be produced
– Mineral feed is now also required for the mixed ration
Version 1.7.0
– The triggers for the bulk goods in the greenhouses slightly enlarged
Version 1.7.0
– The original Giants slurry storage facility rewritten as a lime production facility
– Input: water
– Output: lime
– Changed hotspot icons for the productions
Version 1.7.0
– The original Giants rock crusher sales station rewritten as a production facility.
– Added output pipe
– Changed and repositioned hotspot marker
Version 1.7.0
– Added ball trigger for the following: Food_All_In_One, Forage_All_In_One
– The ball triggers are for: grass, hay, straw, silage
Version 1.7.0
– Added new trigger for the bulk materials seeds and manure
– Trigger for the bulk goods in the greenhouses significantly enlarged
Version 1.7.0
– Added greenhouses as a production line
– Greenhouses now need seeds, manure and water
– Greenhouses in small, medium and large
– Removed special characters in labels
Version 1.7.0
– Added a new building as an alternative to each production chain
– Now a total of 6 mods in the pack
– Changed hotspot icons for the productions
– ModDesc adapted
FS22 Food All In One:
Price: € 110,000
Capacity: 10,000,000 L
Maintenance costs: 110 € / day
Production / hour: 10,000 liters
Required raw materials: grass, straw, silage, mineral feed, barley, sunflower, sugar beet, lime, potatoes, maize, wheat, rapeseed
Product: mixed ration, mineral feed, pig feed
Bale trigger for: grass, straw, silage
FS22 Forage All In One:
Price: € 110,000
Capacity: 6,000,000 L
Maintenance costs: 110 € / day
Production / hour: 6,000 liters
Required raw materials: grass
Product: hay, silage
Bale trigger for: grass, hay, silage
FS22 greenhouseLarge:
Price: € 10,000
Capacity: 40,000 L
Maintenance costs: 100 € / day
Production / hour: 400 liters
Required raw materials: water, seeds, manure
Product: tomatoes, lettuce, strawberries
FS22 greenhouseMedium:
Price: € 5,000
Capacity: 20,000 L.
Maintenance costs: 50 € / day
Production / hour: 200 liters
Required raw materials: water, seeds, manure
Product: tomatoes, lettuce, strawberries
FS22 greenhouseSmall:
Price: € 2,500
Capacity: 10,000 L.
Maintenance costs: 25 € / day
Production / hour: 100 liters
Required raw materials: water, seeds, manure
Product: tomatoes, lettuce, strawberries
FS22 Lime production:
Price: € 10,000
Capacity: 100,000 L
Maintenance costs: 10 € / day
Production / hour: 2,000 liters
Required raw materials: stones
Product: lime
Modell: GiantsTextur: GiantsScript: GiantsIdee / Konzept: SwittyTester