Production Pack v2.0 FS22

Production Pack v2.0 FS22
Version 2.0.0
– added infoTrigger in the lower right corner of in-game production
– built-in player trigger for the production menu with key “R”
– Provide playerTriggerMarker with a key symbol
– The V3 shredder also has a “!”
– A wood chip production facility is built into the shredder V3
– All productions have sounds
– Adapted productions pack to Giants Patch 1.2
FS22 Food All In One:
Price: € 110,000
Capacity: 100,000 L
Maintenance costs: 110 € / day
Production / hour: 10,000 liters
Required raw materials: hay, straw, silage, mineral feed, barley, sunflower, sugar beet, lime, potatoes, corn, millet, wheat, rape
Product: mixed ration, mineral feed, pig feed
Bale trigger for: grass, straw, silage
FS22 Forage All In One:
Price: € 110,000
Capacity: 60,000 L
Maintenance costs: 110 € / day
Production / hour: 6,000 liters
Required raw materials: grass, chopped material
Product: hay, silage
Bale trigger for: grass, hay, silage
FS22 greenhouseLarge:
Price: € 10,000
Capacity: 40,000 L
Maintenance costs: 10 € / day
Production / hour: 400 liters
Required raw materials: water, seeds, manure
Product: tomatoes, lettuce, strawberries
FS22 greenhouseMedium:
Price: € 5,000
Capacity: 20,000 L.
Maintenance costs: 5 € / day
Production / hour: 200 liters
Required raw materials: water, seeds, manure
Product: tomatoes, lettuce, strawberries
FS22 greenhouseSmall:
Price: € 2,500
Capacity: 10,000 L.
Maintenance costs: € 2 / day
Production / hour: 100 liters
Required raw materials: water, seeds, manure
Product: tomatoes, lettuce, strawberries
FS22 Lime production:
Price: € 10,000
Capacity: 100,000 L
Maintenance costs: 10 € / day
Production / hour: 2,000 liters
Required raw materials: stones, sugar beets, wood
Product: Lime, road salt, sugar beet pulp, wood chips
FS22 SD Herstellung:
Price: € 20,000
Capacity: 150,000 L
Maintenance costs: € 20 / day
Production / hour: 3,000 liters
Required raw materials: wheat, barley, manure, lime, water, liquid fertilizer, diesel, slurry
Product: seeds, fertilizers, liquid fertilizers, pesticides
FS22 AIO Fill Station:
Price: € 5,000
Capacity: /
Maintenance costs: 5 € / day
Production / hour: /
Required raw materials: /
Modell: Giants Textur: Giants Script: Giants Idee / Konzept: Switty Tester: Switty
why would you change the capacity on the Forage all-in-one to 60k. It makes it totally useless…. Not sure what the reasoning was there.