Real plant textures v1.0 FS22

Real plant textures v1.0 FS22
Today is the day!
I present you my realistic plant textures!
After many months of photographing and scaling the plants, I’m finally done and very excited to share them with you!
Everything you need to know and how to install the textures is in the description.
Barley causing lua error and game freezes
I have FS22 from Microsoft store and in the game files, there are no “data” or “foliage” folders. Could you please update this mod and release a manual for players, that get FS22 from Microsoft store, if it is possible? Thanlks
Because you’re looking in the game files not in the actual installation folder. The $data/foliage/etc etc folders are located on the drive you installed the game to. For example mine is C drive/ProgramFiles(x86)/Steam/Steamapps/common/FarmingSimulator2022/data/foliage/etc etc etc. NOT where your game saves are located.