RealLifeNumbers v1.0.2.3 FS22

RealLifeNumbers v1.0.2.3 FS22
– Made an updated version of RealNumberAnimalScaling.xml for BallySpring v.
– Included a modified version of the file maizePlus_animalDataOverride.xml to be included in a modified MaizePlus mod. Needed if BallySpring, MaizePlus and RealLifeNumbers are all enabled.
This mod has two main objectives:
To define a game environment mimicking real-life farming.
To enable players to individualize the game using a simple editor.
This mod has not been written for Multiplayer mode.
Nor has it been tested in Multiplayer mode.
One group has reported that they use the mod on a server in multiplayer games.
So it is worth trying.
Play on hard economic level.
Model: Kaj-Aage Henneberg Script: Kaj-Aage Henneberg Idea / Concept: Kaj-Aage Henneberg Testing: Kaj-Aage Henneberg
i want use this mod on “country line multi 4x” map but have an issue. I want to use real life numbers mode, but the game does not open. It gets stuck at 60 percent on the loading screen. I guess some xlm files are not fully compatible. If anyone knows what the problem is, please help.