Renault Master 2020 (Enedis) v1.0 FS22

Renault Master 2020 (Enedis) v1.0 FS22
Hi Hi ! Today I offer you the opportunity to expand your Enedis intervention vehicle fleet with a small Renault Master 2020 fully equipped and 100 % functional! Hoping that you like it !
I am aware that this is the first Renault Master with interior eupload on the internet in public, and that I know that many of you would like to use it for your projects. I REMIND you that if you wish to use it for projects for PRIVATE purposes, you do with it what you see fit. But for use in projects with a desire to be EUPLOAD later, I invite you to CONTACT me beforehand to discuss your project, I do not bite and I am not difficult on the authorizations to use my creations, so don’t be afraid to ask, Thank you for your attention to this parenthesis.
Features :
Power: 180 hp
Speed max: 120 km/h
Tank Capacity: 120 L
Weight: 2t7
Gearbox: Manual
IC on all doors and +
IC for Triflash (functional triflash)(Can be activated independently of the beacons)
Functional led bars!
IC for Functional Ladder Doors!
Several different configurations in the shop!
IEG Modding Projet Maxtix Nord Quarter Racc00n