Repair And Paint Settings v1.0 FS22

Repair And Paint Settings v1.0 FS22
The following options have been added to the game settings:
Maintenance costs (Specifies how much the maintenance cost is.)
Maintenance interval (Specifies how much damage the vehicle gets.)
Painting costs (Specifies how much the paint cost will be.)
Painting interval (Specifies how much damage the paint gets.)
How do we install? Put in mods folder and no options appeared
Doesn’t work for me
When installed it makes so my game doesn’t recognize the clutch on my steering setup, i have to go in for every vehicle that uses a clutch and set the clutch for it to work. But after exiting the vehicle and entering again i need to reset the clutch in my control setting. Any idea or suggest on a fix? ive narrowed this down to this mod causing the issue through trial of elimination