Ropa Pack NF-Marsch Edition v4.1 FS22

Ropa Pack NF-Marsch Edition v4.1 FS22
Ropa Tiger with cutting units for sugar beets, sugar cane, potatoes, white cabbage, carrots and onions.
Version 4.1
Added missing animations from the Premium DLC Fruits, and corrected the attacher on the cutter cart so that the cutter snaps on automatically.
Ropa Tiger6S available in the game with matching cutting units and cutting unit trolleys.
Was changed:
Fruits added (sugar beets, sugar cane, potatoes, cabbage, carrots and onions)
The cutting units have the respective fruit symbol on the right side to distinguish them
A more powerful engine variant is installed to choose from
The bunker volume can be selected from standard 43,000 to XXL 100,000 liters
Repair interval extended
Choice of colors for the chassis and rims.
I know that none of this is realistic, but that was never my aim.
I wanted to have a harvesting vehicle for as many fruits as possible, and not have an expensive machine for each fruit. For everyone who wants it that way, I make the mod available.
Nobody has to use the mod, but anyone who wants can.
Known incompatibility with the FS22_sugarBeetHarvesterPotatoReady script.
GIANTS Software, RolfB69