Rostselmash K-12200 Culti Plow V1.0.0.3 FS22

Rostselmash K-12200 Culti Plow V1.0.0.3 FS22
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The K 12200 has been converted into a subsoiler. This allows ‘ploughing’ and cultivating to be done in one pass.
The field is ploughed/deep-loosened in the front area and then immediately cultivated in the rear area.
This way, you don’t have to worry as much about whether or not the seeder used afterwards is suitable for no-till.
Working width: 12.2 meters (standard)
Max working speed: 18 km/h (slightly increased)
Need Power: 325 hp (slightly decreased)
Price: 98.000 Euro (slightly reduced)
Here’s a short mod review (German) of the Rostselmash K-12200 CultiPlow
Fixed a performance issue
Initial version
Giants Software
I cant do my plow contract, All the time 0% finished. Please help.
I totally agree with first poster, I did a £34000 plow contract with this and at the end i went to collect it was 0% done, what a waste of my time. I wonder if other Culti-Plows are the same