Stappenbach 2020 AutoDrive v1.0 FS22

Stappenbach 2020 AutoDrive v1.0 FS22
Here you can find my AutoDrive Config for Stappenbach2020. This is easy to insert into your save game and you have all the routes in the game. Please note that these routes are not designed for large machines and there may be problems.
All 188 fields approachable
Purchase – and sales stations
Southern forest areas entered (others will follow in the future)
Water tapping points
BGA and silos
Altogether 213 target points were set for this, which are sorted into 28 groups and 10451 waypoints were created. Have fun with the use! With improvement suggestions or desires gladly announce.
Wo bekomme ich die Karte
Kommst du zufällig aus Sachsen Anhalt? 😀
Die Map ist WiP soweit ich gelesen habe.
Where is the map for this autodrive?
Hey, wo kann man denn die map downloaden?