Storage Shed For Products On Pallet v1.0.0.1 FS22

Storage Shed For Products On Pallet v1.0.0.1 FS22
Storage shed for palletized products.
Changelog version
Wool storage added
Pallet spawn made disableableable
Can be stored boards, bread, butter, cakes, canola oil, cereals, cheese, chocolate, clothing, eggs, fabrics, flour, furniture, grape juice, honey, olive oil, raisins, lettuce, strawberries, sugar, sunflower oil, tomatoes.
Construction cost: 10000 €
Filling volume: 1000000 l
Daily cost: 25 €
Each product needs its own storage building.
how do you enable pallet spawn please ??
I do not understand why the author has not responded yet, or updated the description. After trying several things I found that
There is a switch on the side of the shed, to the right of the spawn area. While standing in front of this switch you use either the left mouse button or the 1 button on the Logitech wheel to toggle spawning
There is a switch on the wall to the right of the spawn area to toggle spawnin. Use left mouse or 1 on Logitech wheel
There is a serious flaw in this mod. I can find no way to enable spawning of pallets.
I lost all my egg pallets because the production was on selling… It says storage empty and no money at all!!!
I can only spawn pallets if the house is facing north. in any other position I can’t spawn