Store Deliveries v1.0 FS22
Store Deliveries v1.0 FS22
Get the store to deliver your purchases for a fee.
Location is set based on the player’s position.
A delivery charge of 2.5% per item cost is applied to your purchases when using delivery.
All deliveries are confirmed by a special sound at the time of purchase.
Hold “Left Shift” + “Left Alt” to view the marker on the ground which represents the location.
Hold “Left Shift” + “Left Alt” and press “S” to set the location. (A sound will play and the marker will flash once.)
Hold “Left Shift” + “Left Alt” and press “R” to reset the location back to default (the store).
Sajnos ez a mod nem működik !!! Az “s” betű lenyomásánál el indul a sárga kör, mert ugye az a hátra menet gombja lenne 🙁
Hi! This mod doesn´t work online. Is there any fix?
this isnt working