TCBO Mining Construction Economy V1.0 FS22
TCBO Mining Construction Economy V1.0 FS22
This is the version for FS22 of the TCBO MCE map. The map can have some problems because this is a conversion from FS19 map. So if you have some problems please report them to me.
Attention to this:
You can make farming on this map but you need to create your own fields.
The map has a sawmill for selling wood and woodchips and has many default factories.
Remember this map has as its main objective working on mining and public works. For the complete experience, you need to play with the right mods (terrafarm, MCE ferry pack).
On this map you don’t find any pile with materials, so you can´t dig anything without terrafarm. The map its only to play with terrafarm. If you don’t have or don’t like terrafarm this map is not for you.
Giants TCM (FS19) Nonnus FS Miner Lambo unknow modders
this is meant to be “farming simulator” not mining simulator. Wont be trying this map out, but good luck with it
nobody cares
Why is there always one guy that has to try to make this point? It’s a simulator for anyone who wants to simulate anything they can integrate. Ooooo you made a comment with your opinion, how constructive. *smh*
Then why is forestry in the base game?
you can do a lot more things in Minecraft than just mine and craft stuff
Shut up richyrich. Theres always one..
where is the helicopter ?
beste ik heb dit gedownload maar het stopt rond de 85 procent en gaat niet meer verder wat moet ik er aan doen op het toch te spelen mvg
A mí no sale mod de minería en mi farming simulación 22 quiero que me salga ya porfavor y no vuelvo jugar más a farming simulación gracias
beste ik heb nog steeds geen antwoord gekregen op men vraag hoe komt het dat het stopt op 85 procent en niet meer verder gaat graag antwoord aub