TFM Elm Creek Enhanced v1.0 FS22

TFM Elm Creek Enhanced v1.0 FS22
Default map went in and changed some on the road textures and billboards to Support Us.. We have removed all default buildings from both north farms and Both South Farms so you build your own farm! Happy Farming Rate us tell us what you would like to see on the next update. We are talking about doing a 16x map!
Credits:Giants , Xinterp, TFM
so this map mod will not take effect for me and then every time i quit that game with it in the mod file the game crashes. it will show under dled mods in the dlc content from the home page but when you load into a game it is not in the list of mods you can select
I think it’s a map and not a normal mod 🙂 so u need to change to the new map if u want the building gone.
so it looks like you need to change your modDesc from 60 to 61 otherwise it will not work with the current fs22 engine
MAP seems to work at least when playing MP. So far I haven’t noticed any problems. Great job =)
ak by bolo mozne urobit povodny elmcreek a rozsirit ho na verziu 16x alebo aj viac a nieco na sposob elmcreek extension od Bauer Braun a aby to islo aj na dedikovanom servery to by bola pecka…