The AK_Farmland v1.7 FS22

The AK_Farmland v1.7 FS22
Version 1.7
Various ground textures changed or adjusted.
Light conditions changed
Cold stables can be sold or demolished.
New buildings installed:
AK Grain Mill Without Pallets Credits: Object:Giant Software Conversion/XML:AK6070
AK zucher production without pallets Credits: Object:Giant Software Conversion/XML:AK6070
AK Water Supply Credits: Object:Giant Software Conversion/XML:AK6070
2 Large wind turbine on the Kalkberg Credits: Object:Giant Software Conversion/XML:AK6070
LOG without errors
The mod and the images are protected by copyright, editing and re-uploading without the original download link is not permitted.
Giants Software / AK6070