TLX 3500 Series v1.1 FS22

TLX 3500 Series v1.1 FS22
TLX 3500 Series pick-up
Changelog v1.1.0.0:
BKT’s new wheels for all trucks
The Big Brother is here!!!! The TLX2020 set a standart in versatility, the TLX3500 elevates that concept exponentialy.
Totally new design, options, combinations and lots of fun!
Versions included:
Crew Cab
Single Cab
eXTReMe Version
Attachments/Beds Included
Crew Cab: Pickup bed; Flatbed; Tipper; Prospector
Single Cab: Pickup bed XL; Flatbed XL; Prospector XL
Options available:
Special Editions: Stock, Metalized, Black Belle, Copperhead & Silver Bullet
Mirrors: Stock, Wide
Extras: Stock, Sidesteps, Snorkle, Roofrack & combinations of them
Bumpers: Choose between 7 options
Lighting: Stock, Spotlights or LED Lights
Headlights: Choose between Multiple colors
Wheels: Choose between 30+ options
Attachers: Stock or Plow Mount
Engines: 7.3L Diesel or 6.2L Supercharged
Base price: 28000 $
Crewcab Version and its attachments:
Pick-up bed
Flatbed with service triggers
XTRM Version (Monster truck specs)
Due to the height of the truck… BRAKE BEFORE TURNING!!
Overall stability on the driving
Supergeiles Fahrzeug, nur es wird ein Error: Running LUA method ‘draw’.
dataS/scripts/internalMods/FS22_precisionFarming/scripts/hud/ExtendedSprayerHUDExtension.lua(525) : attempt to call method ‘getIsUsingExactNitrogenAmount’ (a nil value)
ausgeworfen bei nutzung des Flüssigkeitstank