TPAF v1.0 FS22

TPAF v1.0 FS22
Or rather a compatible map, TP, AGRICULTURE, LIVESTOCK, and FORESTRY.
A map with of course all these default points of purchase and sale.
A map with a few little surprises to discover.
A map you will be able to start real public works.
A map that will be updated regularly.
The important thing that you players have a map for CHRISTMAS.
For players:
If you download this and think this is a mod, delete.
For modders:
1- put the folder fillPlanesTP inside your map
2- open your map.xml and add this:
<fillTypes filename=”maps/mapUS/fillPlanesTP/maps_fillTypes.xml” />
<densityMapHeightTypes filename=”maps/mapUS/fillPlanesTP/maps_densityMapHeightTypes.xml” />
remember you need indicate the right path for fillPlanesTP folder. On my case is “maps/mapUS/” you need pay attention the path you have.
If you make this right you already have the new filltypes on your map.
3- add the filltypes as a pile on your map. Open your map with Giants Editor version 9.0.1 or highter and consult the fruitTPcode.xml I provide with the channels for terrainDetailHeigh (if you dont know what is this search for tutorials).
If you have doubts go to my discord channel i try help you.
Enjoy the files.
stuck with 12 FPS in this map 🙁
any1 help me with this instalation?