TZ CCSN Pack V1.0.0.0 FS25

TZ CCSN Pack V1.0.0.0 FS25
TZ CCSN beacon pack for the LS25. These lights can be installed via shared beacon lights!!! (Entries for beacon lights are available)
Object type: shared light
Required scripts: none (are installed like the standard rotating beacons)
Other: has dirt etc.
This beacon pack includes:
Comet S LED: orange, blue, red, dual color blue/orange
Comet LED: orange, blue, red, green, dual color blue/orange, dual color red/green
Saturn LED: orange, blue, red
Nova L2 LED: orange, blue, red
Comet Xenon: orange, blue, red
Saturn xenon: orange, blue, red
Nova Xenon: orange, blue, red
Speed camera:
Sputnik SL horizontal: orange, blue, red, green, white
Sputnik SL vertical: orange, blue, red, green, white
Sputnik Hybrid L/R: orange, blue, red, green, white
Mountings for beacons: magnet and rod mounting
INFO: The xml’s for “Beaconlights” and “l10n” are also included in the pack.
Tested by: MLP, TB.Simulations and Sosi Modding. (Thanks for testing)
I wish you a lot of fun with the beacons and a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2025.