Vauxhall KC3 Sugar Beet, header and trailer pack Version v4.12.13.14 FS22

Vauxhall KC3 Sugar Beet, header and trailer pack Version v4.12.13.14 FS22
Vauxhall KC3 – Revamped
Greetings! Following on from some discussions on other sites, I have taken on board what people asked for. First, the main engine (KC3) still has multiple different capacities for both Sugar Beet and Potatoes, it still has multiple options for colouring the vehicle and hubs and the horn still plays ‘La Cucaracha’! On previous versions, I included the testing headers (oops!) This version has the completely tested and working headers that you can change the colours on to match the harvester (or different colours for different crops)!
The KC3 is now found under the harvester tab as to have it to harvest potatoes, you would only find it under the sugar beet tab, so I put it with the other harvesters.
People also have asked if I can include a redesigned high-capacity trailer in this pack. So I have.
Although it still only holds potatoes, sugar beet or sugar beet cut, it now does other things:
1 – Holds 1,000,000 litres
2 – Empties quicker
3 – Found under ‘trailers’ section
4 – Now has an option to cut the sugar beet when leaving the trailer, or just deposits sugar beet
5 – More colour options – You can now colour the chassis, body, cover and rims (92 different colours each, over 71.6 million different colour combinations, hope that’s enough!)
6 – Improved trailer braking – I have doubled the braking capacity, but the weight will still push the tractor forwards when approaching max mass.
The harvester can pull multiple trailers behind it, so you don’t need a tractor to join you. This means if you have 3 trailers, you can store 3,000,000 litres of potatoes, sugar beet or cut without visiting a silo or sell point. Usually 2 or 3 trailers is enough, but depending on your map depends on what works best for you.
Still has multiple language support. Comes with English, German and French as standard. Other languages available on request in the comments section.
Any bugs/issues not previously noticed, please leave a comment below.
Happy harvesting!
Credits:Super Spud