Welker Farms Map v1.0 FS22

Welker Farms Map v1.0 FS22
Welker Farms is located in North Central Montana and has been in the family since the homestead of 1912.
– Two grain sale areas at Chs Grains and Flour Mill.
– A lumber yard for sale of logs and wood chips.
– Sales areas for hay, straw, wool & cotton.
– Use local water source behind Chs Grains.
– Several fenced areas for placeables.
– Abandoned mine pit where you can sell stones.
– Treasure Hunt.
– Precision farming support with Montana soil map.
Mappers Paradise
no place to buy equipment, the vehicle buy shop is empty nothing there
everything is sunk into the map
Drop point at the CHS Grain store is nowhere to be found. Can’t sell anything I’ve harvested.
Sell point at CHS grain doesn’t work
You need to go inside the building and “check in” before you can use it, I don’t know if you need to do that just once or every time. I have not played that map much.