Westbridge Hills v1.0.0.3 FS22
Westbridge Hills v1.0.0.3 FS22
Try your luck in the New World! This area in the USA is in need of a skilled farmer who can tend to its sprawling fields.
21 fields
Spaces for placeables
Includes new placeables
Trains System
Changelog v1.0.0.3:
Adjusted Silo Oeste point of sale.
Adjusted Spinnery point of sale.
Added Dairy point of sale (Need new game).
Adjusted decoration in BGA.
Possibility to sell some town buildings.
Adjusted splines.
Adjusted some building textures.
Added Spinnery Factory (Included in new game).
Added Dairy Factory (Included in new game).
Adjusted leftover straw (Oats < Wheat < Barley)
Adjusted production in grapes and olive trees.
Changelog v1.0.0.1:
Removed old files.
Added workshop in vehicle shop.
Added trigger Icons in farm house
just so you know since the last two patches …all of the silos will only take 1/2 of the of the said amount is even the ones that come with the maps——-also you can not hook a header to any of the harvesters