Willamina 22 v1.0.0.1 FS22

Willamina 22 v1.0.0.1 FS22
Welcome to Willamina 22
Change Log
Fixed Sale Point, now on ground
Replaced Problem Trees
Lowered Land Prices By 1/2
Fixed Collectibles and Added A 500k one
Removed Trees along road to open it up
Things are different here now
You’ll find a paved road from bridge to bridge
There is no fuel sale point
BGA modified to make fuel for you
One sale point takes all
Working sawmill 2.5 times faster production
Animal dealer
Stone quarry
The major difference in this 22 version is that it now has a farm
Trailer house
Two buildings
One field
And start up equipment
Poorboy, Catalyzer Industries
AHOJ je tu niekto kto vytvara mapy???? chcel by som sa opytat ci by nevedel vytvorit nejaku velku mapu co sa tyka rozholhy a umiestnit tam stredne velke polia mesta a vyrobu … nieco ako je mapoa GREAT WESTERN FARMS ale o nieco vecsiu alebo spojit 2-3 mapy dokopy????? a aby tam pri stavbe nevznikali vyskove rozdiely na pode… ..dakujem