Woz Konny v1.0 FS22

Woz Konny v1.0 FS22
The truck has basic scripts and can transport loose materials, capacity 2000L
Costs in the store 5200
Rent 120
I wish you a nice game and best regards
BohaterTV Model, Bobaski Konvert FS19 Holigan Konvert programming FS22 Kazik1991
5000 are too much, may be like in this mod 1000,-?
Its easy to modify in the .xml
When placed in the mod folder this mod does not show up ingame.
A możecie zrobić też taki do drewna ? Jeśli możecie to zróbcie
Żeby zrobić taki sam tylko do drewna bez paki
I do not understand polish, sorry :-). But in case you asked whether I unzipped the mod: No, I did not unzip.