ZDT NSPV Galan Pack v1.0 FS22

ZDT NSPV Galan Pack v1.0 FS22
The trailers are characterized by a low loading area with large dimensions for the transport of piece loads such as wood, lumber, crates of fruit or vegetables, they are also suitable for the transport of bales of straw or hay.
PV15 Galan:
Max Speed: 40 kph
Price: 10.500 $
– Capacity of 32 round bales with a diameter of 1.2 meters
– Large loading area with large dimensions
– Tension belts support
– Optional bale barriers
– Color configuration
NS11 V Galanek:
Max Speed: 40 kph
Price: 5.500 $
– Capacity of 22 round bales with a diameter of 1.2 meters
– Tension belts support
– Color configuration
Agrochov Čerti