AustriaModding XXL Milk cowshed v1.0.6 FS22

AustriaModding XXL Milk cowshed v1.0.6 FS22

AustriaModding Cowshed with a lot of spout and many possibilities.

Version 1.0.6
Manure heap problem solved, so the pasture had to go because unfortunately the manure heap can only be placed where the pasture was next to the gate, i.e. between water and liquid manure
Installed new #gates

I brought your well-known dairy cow barn over from Ls19 and rebuilt it a bit
15000 cows fit in
Forage capacity is 2,800,000 liters
Straw capacity 1500000 liters
Of course, water has to be filled like in real life, and 500,000 liters fit in
For each unloading station or loading station there are triggers and markers that are marked where what belongs
Every single light switch on and in the building is functional
Every door except one can be opened and closed
A trigger is installed in the corner of the manure place where you can make the built-in windscreen nets up and down
I hope you like the stable and I wish you a lot of fun with this mod
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me on my Discord
As usual, stupid comments can stay with you, I don’t need them
Greetings to your AustriaModding Sascha.

AustriaModding Sascha

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1 Response

  1. James says:

    Your Mod has severe issues. it removes everything from the purchase menus.
    i tried with a save game and with creating a new game.

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