Cow Barn 30×18 v1.0.0.1 FS22

Cow Barn 30×18 v1.0.0.1 FS22
Cow Barn.
Price: 67000 €
Capacity: 40 Cows
Change Log v1.0.0.1
– Console support
– Visual improvements
– Improvement of optimization
– Collisions have been added to all walls and the fence to prevent spilled material from falling behind the walls
– I adjusted the glass by the window
Очень крутой мод, но я не могу молоко в цистерну залить. Помоги коровник почти полный уже!!
Very cool mod, but I can’t pour milk into the tank. Help the cowshed is almost full already!!
Very cool mod, but I can’t pour milk into the tank. Help the cowshed is almost full already!!