Enlarge Field Yield V1.0.1 FS22

Enlarge Field Yield V1.0.1 FS22
Usage: Install as usual mod.
How does it work?
Increase fields yield and reduce fertilizer/lime usage.
Predefined settings:
wheat – 10x increase
barley – 8x increase
oat – 6x increase
cotton – 2x increase
canola – 6x increase
sunflower – 4x increase
soybean – 10x increase
maize – 6x increase
potato – 2x increase
sugarbeet – 2x increase
oilseedradish – 2x increas
poplar – 2x increase
sugarcane – 2x increase
grass – 6x increase
drygrass – 6x increase
Seeds usage for several crops sliglty reduced.
All fertilizer usage is reduced to a bit as well.
Style, you need to do next:
1. Install mod and launch the game. That will generate settings file, which you may find here:
“C: \ Users \ {username} \ Documents \ My Games \ FarmingSimulator2019 \ modsSettings \ EnlargeFieldYield \ enlargeFieldYieldSettings.xml”
2. Open enlargeFieldYieldSettings.xml and edit next attributes:
For crops:
– seedUsagePerSqm – control amount of seed usage. Lower value => less seeds will be used.
– literPerSqm – control yield amount. Lower value => less yield you want to get.
For Fertilizers:
– litersPerSecond – control amount of fertilizer usage. Lower value => less fertilizer will be used ..
Attributes like defaultSeedUsagePerSqm, defaultLiterPerSqm, defaultLitersPerSecond I give for orientation what is in vanilla game.
Error-free. Works in multiplayer.
In the “enlargeFieldYieldSettings” file are the default original values or multiplied?
Could you make normal version with no fertiliser?
I dont know why but I extracted the mod and put it in my mod folder and it isnt working.
did you extract the entire thing, or just the rar within the initial rar file? Because thats all you need to move. everything else is created by the mod itself.
yes thank you !!! its faster then i thought it would be !!!
Is there any way to get PC mods on console?
Is there anyway you go do a mod like this one but only to multiply contract rewards? I have been trying for a few days to figure out how to do this but cannot.
thx dude
it doesn’t work for grass, i have tried grains and those work.
If you open the enlargefieldyield settings you will see that default grass is 0.03 and current grass is 0.03. It works fine, just fix it.
It would appear theres a problem. I have tried all variations of grass, the yield does not improve, but the seed usage changes. This must be a thing having to do with how its harvested to the ground, not to a tank.
You must seed grass and “harvest it” and don’t “mowing it”, than the mod work well
I have confirmed through testing that the issue lies with mowers dropping grass on the ground. If you use a forage harvester the results change drastically. I went from 2500 a swipe on default, to 18000 at 30
So with that knowledge, how does it work to make hay ?
i haven’t tried hay. but i assume it doesn’t. Or you can unload your forage harvester, and run a spreader over it, then windrow it, then collect it (again)
it says read only and when I overwrite it doesn’t save
can you add surghum to it
Cant add it to my dedicated server :/
Hi, I can’t seem to increase the yield of sunflower any idea?
I wish we could have Grapes, Olives and Sorghum in this mod. I tried the other mods but you can’t customise as much. Thanks for the mod tho.
I corrected the mod and added the missing crops, like sorghum, grape and olive. I also adjusted the yield of some crops. If you have any question about the yield adjustment I can answer you. Enjoy
upload to modsfile.com and share with us 😉
How can I add them?
Please share with us.
I Found the info to add the missing fruit types. Go to Farming Simulator 22\data\maps Fund maps_fruitTypes.xml
There you will find all the info needed to add whatever you need if you follow the modder footsteps.
Do you mind uploading or providing more steps on how you managed this?
here are the lines, just add them anywhere after the 1st line which is” POS=POS 0; ”
pos = pos + 1;
groupNameTag = string.format(“%s.fruitType(%d)”, rootPath, pos);
setXMLString(Xml, groupNameTag .. “#name”, “GRAPE”);
EnlargeFieldYield:BuildFruitTypeXMLNode(xmlContent, groupNameTag, “GRAPE”, 0.00, 2.76, 0.00, 1.38); — x2
pos = pos + 1;
groupNameTag = string.format(“%s.fruitType(%d)”, rootPath, pos);
setXMLString(Xml, groupNameTag .. “#name”, “OLIVE”);
EnlargeFieldYield:BuildFruitTypeXMLNode(xmlContent, groupNameTag, “OLIVE”, 0.00, 2.76, 0.00, 1.38); — x2
pos = pos + 1;
groupNameTag = string.format(“%s.fruitType(%d)”, rootPath, pos);
EnlargeFieldYield:BuildFruitTypeXMLNode(xmlContent, groupNameTag, “SORGHUM”, 0.02, 2.46, 0.02, 0.82); — x3
The numbers after the Crop name are “Seed Usage” Yield in L/M2″ and the last 2 are the game default values for the same things. the –x3 is for reference so you know the multiplier used in the default values.
Make sure to add the fruit types in the apply function.
function EnlargeFieldYield:ApplySettings()
local fruitTypes = {
Delete the file in the “modsettings” folder as soon as you start the game the script will write the new “enlargeFieldYieldSettings” to that folder. It’s the only way to know if it’s working (without testing it in game)
Do you know how to adjust the “x10″ for the crops? Tried multiple times to adjust it to a lower value, but without luck” I use C++ to rewrite the code. and I deleted the old “modsfolder”.
ola acabei de enviar um mod ai pro modsfile.com
cortadeira de cana
Can you make one that is x10 on every crop listed please and thanks
Does not work in multiplayer, sorghum and other crops missing. Incomplete mod.
Sad really because this one has a lot of potential for tailoring your own experience.
Got it working in multiplayer. I’m going to see if I can add the missing crops.
how did you make it on multiplayer
Hi, is it possible to reduce the multiplication values to like 0.5,? i tried and did not accept, the lowest i can do is x1
Hm, Olives yield is not changing though they are added in the script.
Once the “enlargeFieldYieldSettings.xls” located in FarmingSimulator2022\modsSettings\EnlargeFieldYield is created the game will use those values. If you change the “.lua” file you must delete the “enlargeFieldYieldSettings.xls” and reload the mod. That way a new “enlargeFieldYieldSettings.xls” with updated values will be created.
I have added Sorghum, Olives and Grapes, as well as reduced seed, fertiliser, lime and herbicide usage. I HAVE NOT tested grapes and olives YET, but everything else works flawlessly.
I install the mod into the mod folder but it wont show up in game or the modsettings folder on FS22
May I ask if anyone can help me with a questions or two about this mod for FS22. I had this mod in FS19 and it worked beautifully so do I need to download this new FSS22 mod or can I simply copy it from my FS 19 mods to the FS22 mods folder?
I noticed that the download instructions ask you to carry out the following actions: “C: \ Users \ {username} \ Documents \ My Games \ FarmingSimulator2019 \ modsSettings \ EnlargeFieldYield \ enlargeFieldYieldSettings.xml” (this as you can see refers to FS19, or should this read FS22?? Any help would be greatly appreciated – Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to ALL – Thanks!!
Not working for grapes, I did what gsousa said and my code is :
pos = pos + 1;
groupNameTag = string.format(“%s.fruitType(%d)”, rootPath, pos);
setXMLString(Xml, groupNameTag .. “#name”, “GRAPE”);
EnlargeFieldYield:BuildFruitTypeXMLNode(xmlContent, groupNameTag, “GRAPE”, 0.00, 18.4, 0.00, 0.92); — x20
pos = pos + 1;
groupNameTag = string.format(“%s.fruitType(%d)”, rootPath, pos);
setXMLString(Xml, groupNameTag .. “#name”, “OLIVE”);
EnlargeFieldYield:BuildFruitTypeXMLNode(xmlContent, groupNameTag, “OLIVE”, 0.00, 18.4, 0.00, 0.92); — x20
But they are normal default.
cant finde the dolly where is it in the shop?
If this mod doesnt work you should try to go to C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Farming Simulator 22\data\maps and find maps_fruitTypes than open it, there will be fruit tipes like wheat… and under every type of fruit is “literPerSqm=” and value, you can play with it, higher value means you get more liter per square meter after harvesting. (if you want to change every literPerSqm value fast I suggest you to press ctrl+f and tipe “literPerSqm” it will search every literPerSqm and you can fast change value)
Don’t suppose you know how to remove the mod completely? I ended up screwing up the values so much that when I use a forage harvester, the liquid fert they take decreases almost instantly & it takes ages to pour into a trailer.
Uninstalling didn’t work, gonna start another save to see if it fixes.