FleurDeLys V1.3 FS22

FleurDeLys V1.3 FS22
Fleur De Lys v is a complete edit of the Giants Haut-Beyleron map.
There are 4 farmyard areas on the map which you can activate by buying the farmland:
1) Start farm – medium size fields – medium animal barns – 3 greenhouses – vehicles.
2) South farm – large size fields – medium animal barns – 3 greenhouses.
3) North farm – large size fields – medium animal barns – 3 greenhouses.
4) Northwest farm – small size fields – no animals – no greenhouses – made for 3m farming.
Most of the default farm placeables have been slightly modded to improve gameplay and can be renamed and sold.
Nearly all the fields, headlands and farmlands have been edited to be ai friendly and to suit each farm type.
There is a second Sawmill southwest of the river with vehicle sheds that will accomodate the large forestry machines,
and there are 2 large buyable forestry areas close by with 24m tall spruce.
There is a train caller with a ramp near the forests to help load the train with logs to sell them in Marisonne.
4 flat fenced areas for placeables plus 2 yards for staging forestry machinery.
BHP and Farm Shop relocated.
New PDA map and renumbering of fields.
A multi product sell point seen in game as “Du Champs Mill”.
Forestry trees SW correct size.
Farm vehicle sheds now sellable.
Store items.
Many small tweaks too numerous to list.
Requires a new game start.
I hope you enjoy it.
Credits:Giants: Haut-Beyleron Map.
Farmhouse: Thalvur.
Boat model: Statefarm K203DKustoms
The best map edit for my taste. Thanks a lot for your time and work.
Thank you for your comments, much appreciated.
How I install this? i dont know =(
Hi , there’s a link at the top of this page (left of the big red tractor that says “How to install mods”
and it will show you how to it. This is how you install any mod, whether it’s a map, vehicle, building or whatever,
they all go into the mods folder as a .zip file. Don’t forget to check the tick box in game to load the mod otherwise they don’t load.
Maan, this is exactly how i would edit Beyleron Map if i know how to do it 😀 … excellent job, its a Masterpice. Thank You for Your effort, time and energy! Live long and prosper 🙂
Thanks, it’s the first mod I’ve shared online.
just one question – do you plan to updating version 1.3 soon and then any often – i think, there´s no need – unless GIANTs update, which could scruw things up? thing is – i would love to spend many, many hours on this edit – but begining from the scratch every month would be, lets say – anoying a bit (sure i can stick with this version and not updating) – just curious, you know 🙂
No, I did it in 3 phases, version 3 is pretty much the final version, unless there’s something horrendous that needs sorting out. Glad you like the map, thank you very much.
cool, Thanks for answer and one more Big Thanks for your edit of this map.
have to say very impressive love to know how you level them flat bits you did i tried to do that and failed lol but the map looks great well done mate thank you
Cheers Darren, thanks. I use a plane as a marker for position and height then transfer this info to the replace function and level it out. Sometimes I use the set terrain height by spline script if it’s a slope.
lol i going to pretend i know what your talking about hahaha (use a plane as a marker ) this bit made me feel like hommer simpson lol
Die Karte ist der Hammer, ich spiele noch die Vorgänger Version.
Das einzige was mich wundert, weiß aber nicht ob es an der Map liegt, dass die Helfer keine Gülle aus dem Kuhstall nehmen können.
Da kommt immer Tank leer.
Danke, es könnte etwas mit Splines zu tun haben. Gegenstände, die aus dem Original/Vanilla-Setup verschoben wurden, verwirren die KI. Ich schaue mir das mal an und korrigiere es irgendwann.
Hi, thanks for your comments. I’ll look into it. I think it may have something to do with traffic splines being disturbed when farm locations are moved.
Thanks, hope you enjoy it.
Hi there! Map description says, “There are 4 farmyard areas on the map which you can activate by buying the farmland: 1) Start farm – medium size fields – medium animal barns – 3 greenhouses – vehicles.” Sorry, I’m a little new to the game. Could you clarify what this means? What is the field number the “start farm” is located at? All I see are blank lots – no animal barns or vehicles (I started on medium difficulty, if that makes a difference).
Hi, start the game on New Farmer and save game. Reload and you’ll see all the farms . You don’t start with any farm buildings and vehicles on Farm-Manager and start from scratch, just money.
Hello again – i encounter a possible conflict with Additional Game Settings Mod (AGS Mod) and this map edit – when you save game and want to exit to main menu game kinda freeze – last seeing view stayed on the screen, without equipment or buildings. Quit to desktop works fine. I believe, its might be causing with possibility to own all 4 farm houses on the map – which is great, i love to have more sleep triggers tbh 😀 …. its not big deal at all, for now i uninstal AGS Mod and map works just fine (even with few warnings and errors in dev debug menu) … i would like to send you my log file if it could help you anyhow
Hi, yes that would be helpful. I’ve been making a few edits to the map and will be releasing it soon. I’m playing it myself and have come across a few things that needed sorting out but I haven’t changed anything that would necessitate a new game start other than a few edits to the train. The AGS mod might not like the way the placeables are written on this map, but if it can be sorted out I’ll do it. I’ll try it myself to see what’s going on.
i found very easy solution – freezing was caused by changing the lightning from default/Haut-Beyleron to Calmsden. Since i play back with default no problems occured
Wir Spielen die Karte nun schon etwas länger ( Ist top) aber gestern haben wir den Mod “Feld Pacht“ auf den Server geladen, und da werden die falschen Feldpreise angezeigt….kann es sein das das an der Karte liegt ? Preise nicht auf die neuen Felder übertragen ?