LIZARD MKV Universal Tanktrailer Package v1.0 FS22

LIZARD MKV Universal Tanktrailer Package v1.0 FS22
Price: MKV2 55000€, MKV3 90000€
Capacity MKV2: 17000l, 21000l, 25000l (selectable)
Capacity MKV3: 30000l, 40000l, 50000l
Category: Misc
New universal tanktrailer generation made by LIZARD for almost all liquid filltypes and fertilizer. Not for produced liquids like canola oil!
Big wheels selectable.
Rim color selectable.
Base color selectable.
D-S-Agrarservice/Kastor, Floowy, Steven alias W7K
for both trailer xml’s at the top of the document it has to be listed as type=”waterTrailer”. it cannot be type=”trailer” or the water fill triggers in ponds and fill points will not work and render this mod unusable, but simple testing would have revealed that.
you’re welcome. i spent 4 hours last night figuring out why your mod was broken and somehow uploaded untested.
4 hours?
also your rivet_decals arent visible in the i3d, so i’d suggest removing them as a possible design configuration until you fix it. again, simple testing.
50000 liter version gets the tires stuck halfway into the ground when full, making it impossible to turn; or get any momentum going, really. Why was this mod uploaded without being tested properly???
Mod doesn’t work on Xbox one you can’t put water in the tank.