Mercury4000L liquid fertilizer sprayer V1.0 FS22

Mercury4000L liquid fertilizer sprayer V1.0 FS22

Hello, here the original Mercury4000L liquid fertilizer sprayer from Hardi working width enlarged to 10m

Modell: Gians
Textur: Gians
Script:Gians & Falk66
Idee / Konzept: Falk66

What is Farming Simulator 22 mods use for

Farming Simulator 22 game supports mods for PC, Xbox, or PS5. FS22 Mod is an extension file for the FS22 game. Everyone can create Farming Simulator 22 mod file and share it with our community. So, why do you need Farming Simulator 22 mods? for example, you have bored with the basic game version or want to try new vehicles such as tractors or combines which the game doesn't have. So Farming Simulator 22 developers decided to support mods that let players create their own FS22 maps, Trucks, Vehicles, and any item in game. So you can download Farming Simulator 22 Mods to upgrade the game and create your own game version. Here you will find the Best FS22 mods and Top FS22 mods for PC, Mac, Xbox, or PS5. Don't wait and choose LS22 mods category, download any mod for Farming Simulator 2022 you want and install the mod in FS 22. And the most important - Farming Simulator 22 mods is totally free and available to download all of them. Our Farming Simulator 22 Community goal is to create one of the biggest FS22 mods databases

Best FS22 Implements mods

9 Responses

  1. doug french says:


  2. Slapi says:

    What are the red marks Left and Right and Center?

  3. Farmer John says:

    This seems to be the same file as the subsoiler

  4. maiktje says:

    i think you may have uploded the wrong file for this one

  5. n3vada`19 says:

    wrong download link bro

  6. Nicolas19200 says:

    Bonjour le pulvérisateur porte le meme nom que la sous soleuse vous avez du vous trompez en envoyant le fichier

  7. FS22 Mods says:

    File fixed. have a nice day! 😉

  8. Jason says:

    Downloaded and installed, but has the same 4m range as the ingame model

  9. Bowling says:

    OK, now it’s the right file.
    BUT, it does not spray 10 m wide

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