Old Kiwi Farm Production V1.1.0.1 FS22

Old Kiwi Farm Production V1.1.0.1 FS22
Sorry guy’s the Ropa has been fixed for root crops. ie Carrots, Cabbage and Onions. This will not need a new save game. Cheers.
Fixed textures on Ropa Tiger 6s for Carrots, Cabbage and Onions.
Adjusted Clip distance and adjusted lighting for better FPS.
Old Kiwi Farm Production Fixed Cabbage textures. Added extra Animals. Redone Hemp textures. Added animal trailer that transports chicken and ducks as well. Updated Animal Deco. A lot more stuff that isn’t visible.
I have tried to get map looking as user friendly and realistic so everyone will enjoy the map.
Credits:Cazz64 and OAG
how to make tomatojuice in this map