Papenburger Map V2 4K v2.3.0.0 FS25
Papenburger Map V2 4K v2.3.0.0 FS25
Changelog: 2.3.0
Please read carefully and don’t just skim over it!
– The most important thing first: the terrain now has 1 pixel per unit as it should. Hope that helps with the bug fixes. Only Gianst will be able to get rid of it completely.
– Max height of tippable fruit increased to 8 m!!!
– Farm2 Engelnhof installed, see pictures
– Farm3 BGA installed, see pictures
– Farm4 Pigs and chickens, Kramer farm installed
– 2 open spaces for farms or production installed.
– Competitive multiplayer xml inserted and configured
– Cars parked across the bakery removed
– Main farm1 Berlage converted
– Farm5 Anneken farm installed
– Rigid body for water inserted
– Only the main farm has machines!! For now
**Error with picture and log!!!! And post questions in support on Discord (collaboration) Detailed description of the problem**
**Important A new savegame must be started in any case.!!!! **
Last moment change:** Spruces replaced by new prefabs. **
I hereby present to you the Papenburg Map v2 4K
It is a 4-fold map
– It has 105 fields with a total of 1042.9 hectares
– 44855 trees
– Several sales points and productions. (If something is missing, let me know)
– Attention!! There is traffic but be careful at the large intersection, they only drive straight ahead. Until I have installed new, functioning traffic lights, pay attention or deactivate traffic.
– There is a small starting yard with a few machines. Only the bare essentials for now! There will be a proper yard in a future update.
– The decoration is not yet complete. Coming in the next updates
Known problems:
It can happen that the course generator puts a few jagged edges in the courses at the edge of the field. But it works.
need some mods but can not find them
Ne Modliste für die Mods die man für die Map Braucht wäre ja nicht schlecht. Ich habe Stunden gesucht und nichts gefunden.
Ich find die Map ja echt toll aber ich will spielen und nicht suchen.
Mit Modliste meine ich die Links zu den Mods macht vieles einfacher