Root Crop Storage v1.0 FS22

Root Crop Storage v1.0 FS22
This building is for storage of Potatoes and Beets. This building functions like a Silo or Hayloft, but for root crops. The building and conveyor belts are authentic to how root crops are actually stored.
Price: 100000 €
Capacity: 800000 l
Maintenance: 80 € / day
This Mod will let an AI deliver to it. But won’t allow an AI to deliver from it. Kind of defeating my purpose for it. I want to be able to deliver from the field with an AI and then Loop it to take it the the Train whenever prices are high with an AI. TOO BAD it doesn’t work like the other silos in this manor
Please upgrade to Premium Expansion so that you can stock red beets or even carrots and parsnips.
I actually made that and submitted. But they havent posted it.