International Harvestor 4786 v1.0 FS22

International Harvestor 4786 v1.0 FS22
Power: 330
Maximum Speed: 29
Price: 33900
Category: tractorsL
Credits go to JCL’s Farm Equipment for making this for FS19 and allowing me to convert this to FS22.
Oldiron1214/TorqueWrench1 Conversion/Edits, FS22: Schaben Modding
The screen shot doesn’t do it justice. Imagine a LoFi Farm Sim papercraft site. And you find this model on there and print it out and have your 4 year old nephew fold it up… yea, that’s what this thing looks like. It looks like papercraft attempt at making a 4786.
I tip my hat to person that converted this to FS22, we all need this kinda of a laugh because we all spent way too much on bug riddled game that the devs had a whole extra year to refine and produce a sim that reflects that AA title price tag. But no. We got ripped off by Giants and this is that comic relief we needed. Thank you.
come on pay some respects because its very hard to make a mod from scratch
How was he even able to make the front look like 3d? Ingame it really looks like paper, 0 depth, all 2d except the motor…
Dumpster Fire of a tractor. Why would you waste time converting this?
who is the retard that converted this ? 98 % of the tractor doesnt even show up in game when you buy it
I second what mark said